To My Sweet Zoe on Your 14th Birthday

Fourteen years ago, you entered this world and transformed every part of my existence. Your arrival filled my heart with joy and wonder. Hearing your first cry was a miraculous moment I'll never forget; an instant bond was created between mother and daughter. 

You’ve blossomed into such an extraordinary young lady. Your compassion, kindness, and bravery are evident in everything you do. Your outer beauty is matched only by the brilliance of your spirit. Watching your self-confidence grow this past year has been magical. Your new "swagger" lights up my world and fills my heart with pride. You’re finding your passions, dreaming about the future, and becoming an intelligent, funny, and empathetic young woman. Your wit and sense of humor brighten my days, and when you borrow my clothes, it’s both flattering and a reminder of how fast you’re growing up.

I still see glimpses of the little girl you once were, especially when something excites you, and I cherish those moments deeply. Sometimes, I envy the secret giggles you share with your friends—especially when I get that classic teenage eye-roll in response to my curiosity—but I treasure these fleeting glimpses of your childhood. 

Every day, you become more responsible and independent. As you spend more time with your friends, we find ourselves missing you more. Your brothers might drive you crazy, but I know they love having you around. I cherish our car talks and our shopping trips to Target; these moments are precious to me.

Time plays tricks on us parents. It feels like just yesterday you needed help taking your first steps, and now you stand on the brink of high school, ready to conquer the world. While I’m excited to see the remarkable young woman you’re becoming, I still long for the days when you needed me to dress your Barbie dolls or cuddle during a scary movie.

Zoe, you’ll never truly grasp the depth of my love for you. I’m holding onto these next few years as tightly as I can, knowing how quickly they’ll pass. Please be patient with me, and understand that my so-called "smothering" is just my way of savoring every precious moment before you spread your wings and embark on your own adventure. 

As you navigate the world, here are a few thoughts I want to share:

  • Stay Curious: Keep asking questions and seeking knowledge. Your inquisitive nature is a gift that will lead you to endless discoveries.
  • Be Brave: Mistakes are a part of life, but true courage lies in acknowledging them and moving forward. Stay true to yourself, even if it means standing alone.
  • Believe in Magic: Our shared love for reading has always been a joy for me. Remember, magic isn’t confined to the pages of our favorite books—it’s all around you if you keep your heart open.
  • You Are Loved: From the moment we knew you were coming into our lives, we’ve been crazy about you. You are deeply loved by your family and, most importantly, by God. You are surrounded by angels who guide and protect you.

Oh, my sweet girl, life will bring its challenges and its wonders. Embrace each day with courage and kindness, and know that you are deeply cherished.

I love you more than words can express.

 Happy Birthday, my sweet girl. 

With all my love,  



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